See attached guide
Press the button labelled PROG. You will enter the programming menu, showing 00:00 and a timeline across the bottom of the screen.
The 1-7 numbers on the right will have an arrow pointing to “1”. This signifies you are choosing the mode for Monday, at 00:00 (Midnight).
Choose the mode by pressing the button beneath the corresponding mode icon: sun = comfort, moon = eco, snowflake = anti-frost. Once you have chosen a mode it will appear on the timeline (tall for comfort, small for eco, no block for anti-frost).
The screen will also automatically move to the next hour, 01:00. Continue to set the mode for each hour of the day. When you progress past hour 23, the screen will cycle back to 00:00, so you can go back through the day and correct any mistakes.
To copy the program from Monday to Tuesday, hold OK until the arrow shifts to “2” – the blocks at the bottom of the screen should be identical to those of Monday. Alternatively, simply press OK to move to the next day: the arrow on the right should move to point to 2, Tuesday, but the blocks will reset, to allow you to choose a different program for this day.
Continue to program the rest of the week the same way as Monday, then press OK when happy with day 7 to return to standby mode.
Press the button labelled PROG. You will enter the programming menu, showing 00:00 and a timeline across the bottom of the screen.
The 1-7 numbers on the right will have an arrow pointing to “1”. This signifies you are choosing the mode for Monday, at 00:00 (Midnight).
Choose the mode by pressing the button beneath the corresponding mode icon: sun = comfort, moon = eco, snowflake = anti-frost. Once you have chosen a mode it will appear on the timeline (tall for comfort, small for eco, no block for anti-frost).
The screen will also automatically move to the next hour, 01:00. Continue to set the mode for each hour of the day. When you progress past hour 23, the screen will cycle back to 00:00, so you can go back through the day and correct any mistakes.
To copy the program from Monday to Tuesday, hold OK until the arrow shifts to “2” – the blocks at the bottom of the screen should be identical to those of Monday. Alternatively, simply press OK to move to the next day: the arrow on the right should move to point to 2, Tuesday, but the blocks will reset, to allow you to choose a different program for this day.
Continue to program the rest of the week the same way as Monday, then press OK when happy with day 7 to return to standby mode.